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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  December 12, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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this is "world news." tonight, knockout punch. the front-runners in the presidential campaign take their duel to a new level today. spending spree. a record day. a surge of holiday spending and shipping. and we'll tell you about a deadline for all of us procrastinators. marching out. our martha raddatz in iraq tonight as the last american troops prepare to come home. made in america. the surprising things we found to even drink in aisle two of an iowa supermarket. and tebow's secret. how did a guy who couldn't throw straight become a comeback superstar? is it pray? something else?
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everybody is tebowing tonight and we mean everyone. good evening. it is good to be back from iowa and the big abc news debate. and what a debate it was. in the wake of all the drama on that debate stage this weekend today, the two front-runners took the campaign to a new and seismic level of punch and counterpunch. and leading off our coverage tonight is abc's jake tapper. also just back from iowa, tracking this pivotal day in the campai campaign. hello, jake. >> reporter: good evening, diane. what a day. gingrich is surging, and romney needs to stop him. so romney is attacking gingrich, and he is not turning the other cheek, newt gingrich. it is on. even mitt romney's wife wasn't crazy about his proposed $10,000 bet with rick perry. >> i'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks -- $10,000 bet?
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>> reporter: democrats and his republican opponents are using the wager to depict romney as out of touch with regular folks. >> that would not be a number i would have thrown out. >> reporter: and, today, romney's number one rival suggested romney is not only out of touch with the economic realities of regular americans, he's out of touch with governors. >> i was startled just because i know rick perry pretty well. i can't imagine he can cover a bet like that. i mean, he's been a public servant all his career. >> reporter: after all, putting 10,000 on the table? that's more than 10 percent of the average american's net worth. though it's only .004 percent of romney's estimated $250 million net worth. this moment couldn't have come at a worse time for romney. in the midst of the newt gingrich surge. of the first four primary and caucus states, romney now trails gingrich in 3. and gingrich is gaining the fourth, new hampshire, the state that is supposed to be romney's firewall.
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so today, damage control. >> it's a very common thing to say, "i'll bet you a million bucks." >> reporter: and an attempt to change the convorsation, romney today said gingrich should return the $1.6 million he was paid by mortgage giant freddie mac. >> one of the things that i think people recognize in washington is that people go there to serve the people and then they stay there to serve themselves. >> reporter: but in gingrich, romney has an opponent who is smart, hungry, and willing to counterpunch hard. taking on romney's career buying and selling companies. >> if governor romney would like to give back all the money he's earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years of being, then i would be glad to then listen to him and i'll bet you 10 dollars, not 10,000, that he won't take the offer. >> reporter: romney responded to that remark by saying doesn't gingrich understand the economy. it's been going on like this all day, back and forth. it's not going to end till there's a clear winner. that might not be till june. diane.
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>> that's a long stretch. thank you, jake. george stephanopoulos, anchor of "good morning america," is here. george what do you make of this day? >> you called it a pivotal day. that is not an overstatement in any way. both campaigns made strategic decisions to get more ruthless and more personal and that's exactly what happened today. you saw, first, governor romney make that shot. before newt gingrich said he was going to be relentlessly positive but his campaign told me today if he's hit, he's going to hit back hard. again, make no mistake. when newt gingrich went after that record, that is the argument that ted kennedy used against mitt romney back in 1994 to devastating effect. it's exactly the argument barack obama wants to use in the fall. for newt gingrich to do that, that's going nuclear and the romney campaign reened spoed right responded right away. they'll say that's a sign of a flip-flopper. they said in 2010 newt gingrich said governor romney createded
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more jobs than the entire obama cabinet combined so that's another flip by newt gingrich. that's what the romney campaign will say. >> this is a practiced counterpuncher, newt gingrich. >> absolutely. you saw that on saturday night at the debate. after romney took those first shots you saw newt gingrich said, you would have been a career politician, had you won back in 1994, and today he used the argument of ted kennedy. >> such a different day. thank you, george. it was great to be sitting next to you with the candidates on stage. thanks so much. we move on now to american shoppers setting a record today, shipping more items than ever in history by federal express. 17 million packages in just one day. and it is another sign that this economy is shaping up to be strong this holiday season. so why are americans spending more than expected? and what are the best-selling items so far this year? here's abc's anchor, bianna golodryga. >> reporter: 'tis the season to shop. today, consu
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country rushing to get their last minute online orders in, hoping to beat retailers' deadlines, which guarantee free shipping and pre-christmas delivery. americans have spent $25 billion online so far this year, an astounding 15% more than last year. brick and mortar retailers are booming, too. record black friday weekend shopping and expectations that the entire season will see spending grow at the fastest pace since before the great recession. >> it's really a sign of a nation of procrastinators, isn't it? >> if you look at the 10 days leading up to christmas, about 40% of the overall holiday season gets purchased then. so people like to really push it to the end when they know they can get some great deals. >> reporter: and with more shopping, there's a ton more shipping. today is the busiest shipping day of the year. fedex says it will see a record 17 million packages rushing through its system, a volume it's looking like the holiday retail boom is likely going to
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continue. great news as consumer spending is the biggest part of the american economy. for all of us die-hard procrastinato procrastinators, we did some research of our own today and found out for most online retailers, this friday, december 16th, is the last day you can get shipping guaranteed to arrive before christmas. >> i have no idea what you mean about all of us procrastinators. >> i know i'm talking about myself here. >> all right, thanks so much. by the way, the shoppers did not deliver a bounce to wall street today. the dow jones index closed down nearly 163 points. the reason, new jitters about all that debt in europe. and the occupy wall street movement took aim at many of america's ports today. this was the scene in long beach, california. demonstrators managed to shut down some operations at ports in oakland, portland, oregon, and washington state. and one of the nation's giant retailers is under fire tonight after pulling its commercials from a reality show
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about muslims living their everyday lives in america. the retailer acted after a conservative group called the show propaganda. abc's steve osunsami with the details. >> reporter: american muslims say this show is the first time they've seen their faith shown in such a positive light and on primetime. viewers get an inside look at the everyday existence of five michigan families. in this scene, the women go shopping for headdresses, which one of them stopped wearing after 9/11 but is taking it up again. >> wearing the hijab is so much more than what you see because hijab isn't something you take lightly. >> reporter: what may be most >> reporter: there's high school football on friday nights. and while this 25-year-old expectant mother certainly dresses differently, she sounds like any other american wife chiding her husband for putting things off. >> we have to be ready. like, what if the baby comes, like, tomorrow. there's so much stuff i have to do. >> reporter: but some groups say the show is propaganda hiding an islamic agenda. the conservative florida family
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association started to campaign against the show and its advertisers, pushing lowe's improvement, with its 1,700 retail stores, to pull its ads from the show. >> this program creates an image that is harmful educationwise to the belief structure to the belief structure and millions of americans who will look at this and say all muslims are like that when it is not accurate. >> reporter: telling us today the conservative groups should open their minds. >> it's having people have an open mind about muslims in the country. >> reporter: a vice president told me they could care less about the content of the show. this was a business decision. >> our decision was not political. it was not social in any way. we just knew it was a controversial program and we wanted to reach consumers, and a controversial program is not a great place to do that. >> reporter: no matter the controversy, the cable network that airs the program says it will weather the storm.
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steve osunsami, abc news, morrisville, north carolina. in other news today, it will be a dramatic day in the penn state sex abuse scandal tomorrow. former coach jerry sandusky will face his accusers for the first time at a hearing. we're told, by the way, sandusky will not know the identity of all his accusers till they actually appear in the courtroom. and the supreme court has agreed to take up another hot-button issue, that tough arizona law cracking down on people who imgreated here illegally. the law requires police to check the immigration status of everyone they stop. and the question is, does it go too far? as you know, the court previously agreed to rule on the president's health care reforms. the court expected to issue both rulings in the middle of next year's campaign. and after eight years, the war in iraq is finally ending. american troops coming home. president obama met with iraq's prime minister nuri al maliki in
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washington today, discussing this last chapter in the withdrawal of all u.s. troops. hard to believe, after 165,000 u.s. troops served in iraq at the height of the war, today only about 5,000 remain. and some of them will be there to turn out the lights on u.s. involvement. abc's martha raddatz has been to iraq more than 20 times and as the american troops are coming home she is there again tonight. >> reporter: it wasn't until i heard the words of sergeant first class larry green, who has deployed here four times, that it truly hit me -- he's not coming back. >> the joy is knowing that this is a one-way trip. let's put it that way. that's the best part. >> reporter: and even more powerful, the words echoing from washington today. >> after nearly nine years, our war in iraq ends this month. >> reporter: throughout those nine years of war, everywhere i went, i was surrounded by americans.
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this is what our 170,000 troops looked like on the roads, in the streets, on the battlefield. but today, we did not see a single u.s. soldier. as we reach this milestone, i wanted to go back to the place where america first woke to the shock of what a long and violent fight iraq would be, fallujah. i wanted to see the bridge, to remember that day in 2004, where the burned corpses of four u.s. contractors were hanging for the world to see. [ gunfire ] it would begin the biggest battle of the war -- [ gunfire ] today, seven years later, we saw children heading for school, markets packed, construction under way. and yet, underneath it all, there is hatred towards america.
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"they deserved the hanging, they deserved worse" says this man. another says "the occupiers should not expect to be greeted with roses." that is certainly not the way everyone in iraq feels. but it is a reminder that, as our troops leave, the war is not entirely over. diane. >> martha raddatz. who has seen so much in iraq. reporting in again tonight on this historic time. and still ahead on "world news," it is tebow time. the come from behind football hero causing a worldwide craze. his strong faith, positive thinking, are they the secrets of those miraculous wins? and all grown up. the world's tiniest surviving baby at the time, not even 10 ounces. well, look at her now. the college honor student. an amazing update. and made in america christmas. iowa edition. the new food and drink we found made right there in iowa. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the personal attention
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>> reporter: by any earthly yardstick, tim tebow is at best a mediocre nfl quarterback. in fact, he has one of the worst passing records in the league. for most of yesterday's game, he got sacked. >> tebow is in trouble. >> reporter: and his throws were wobbly -- >> tebow with a rainbow pass -- >> reporter: going to nobody or, worse, to the wrong team. >> and it is picked off. >> reporter: and yet, in the final minls, minutes, tebow and the denver broncos pulled off a come from behind victory, their sixth in a row, a streak even nonbelievers are calling miraculous. >> i guess, first and foremost, i'd like to thank my lord and savior jesus christ. >> reporter: in his postgame press conference, tebow made clear who he thanks for the victory. >> if you believe, unbelievable things can sometimes be possible. >> reporter: while tebow's pastor says god is the reason for this winning streak, tebow has never claimed that. and, anyway, it's tough to prove. however, scientists say tebow's secret may be something else.
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look at this play -- after the receiver demarcus thomas misses a pass, tebow goes over and encourages him. look at his press conference, where he gives credit to everybody else. >> i think my teammates made me look a lot better than i am. >> reporter: research shows the most compassionate people, like tebow are more effective at motivating others, better than, say, that boss who yells. >> what this new science of altruism and cooperation is finding is that highly cooperative, other-oriented, empathetic, compassionate individuals, their teams perform better, their organizations are healthier. >> reporter: tebow's leadership style contains lessons for all of us. remember that receiver that he encouraged? in the fourth quarter, he scored a touchdown that turned the game around. >> tebow takes off. throws. touchdown! >> reporter: dan harris, abc news. and when we come back, a baby born the size of a cell phone grows up. see her now. it is an incredible update. [ sue ] wow!
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6:51 pm
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live ago healthy life. they think her lungs were more developed than many preemies. today saying in an e-mail, i am a pretty normal, tough cookie, kind of nice girl. a jumping jack flash from the white house tonight. an impressive milestone for first lady michelle obama. her jumping jack challenge on the white house lawn, remember that back in october, it set a new guinness record for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24 hour period. 300,000 people worldwide taking part in mrs. obama's campaign against childhood obesity. and still ahead, a made in america christmas. something surprising we found at the grocery in iowa. when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain
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twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back. ♪ but the fire is so delightful ♪ nothing melts away the cold like a hot, delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup from campbell's. ♪ let it snow, let it snow
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finally tonight, take a look, your ideas for made in america christmas are still pouring in. please keep them coming. and we remind ourselves that each of us spends $64 on something made right here at home this holiday day, we can create tens of thousands of american jobs. and when i was in des moines, a lot of iowans said they're in. made in america? >> yes, i did. >> can i ask what you bought? >> bought a pair of shoes.
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locally owned shoe store up in newton, iowa. >> so is there a place with things made in iowa in it? >> aisle two. >> aisle two. we're on our way to aisle two. we're buying salsa made in iowa. salsa. yes. another shopper wanted us to know that iowa once supplied america with grapes. we're in search of iowa wine. in fact, before prohibition, iowa was the sixth largest wine producer in america. today, wineries like summer set are helping to put the state back on the map. even regularly medaling at local competitions. you got to love a wine called sun porch wine, don't you think? what else? cheese is great and made in iowa. it's really great. what a party we're going to have tonight. thank you, iowa. thank you. blue cheese, wine and salsa. a lot of you wrote us to share other things made in iowa.
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david marks said he's buying 100% of this year's christmas gifts made here at home and told us about fox sock in osage, a 100-year-old company, and the red heeled socks are the inspiration for the sock monkey. monica told us the best knives ever are rada knives made in waverly, iowa. viewers pointed to amana iowa, woollen scarves, blankets, hand-made clocks made there for over 100 years. a special notice for donna young who wrote from davenport, iowa. >> we're a company that's been around for 60 years. the previous owners at one point made a decision to outsource to china. now that decision has completely been reversed. >> she said she and her two co-workers refinanced their homes and secured a small business loan, because they wanted to buy the company to keep 70 employees working right here at home. >> now it's back in the hands of
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employees who are going to take good care of it and keep it made locally right here in iowa. >> we are made in america. whoo! >> and keep the ideas coming at "nightline" will be here later. and some christmas lights now. these are from downtown raleigh, income in and we thank our affiliate wtvd-abc 11. we'll see you here again tomorrow night. .
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